Over Years Of Fellowship & Charity

The Worshipful Company of Cutlers is one of the most ancient livery companies in the City of London, having received its first Royal Charter from Henry V in 1416.

The Cutlers' Company was a trade guild whose members’ produced items with a cutting edge, such as swords, knives and surgical instruments.

News: 21st October 2024

Cutlers' Hall is for hire

The Contemporary Cutlery Design Competition

In January 2021 the Cutlers’ Company launched its annual design competition to create a set of contemporary cutlery; consisting of a knife, a fork and a spoon. The winning design will be produced by a professional craftsperson / manufacturer and will be scaled up in order to produce a 6-piece dining set.

The Cutler's Award

The Worshipful Company of Cutlers established a new award in 2022 offering help and support to knife makers and bladesmiths with a particular focus on culinary knives.

The origins of the Company are to be found among the cutlers working in the medieval City of London.

As was the case with the other trade guilds of the day, its function was to protect the interests of its members, to attend to their welfare, and to ensure that high standards of quality were maintained...

The Hall

“A House of the Cutlers”, mentioned in 1285 as being on or near the site of the present Mercers’ Hall, is the earliest recorded regular meeting place of the Cutlers. By the early part of the 15th century the Cutlers were settled in a building in what is now Cloak Lane (by Cannon St. Station).


The charitable objectives of the Company are support for organisations with connection to the Company, support for education and promotion of social cohesion.


Browse our extensive collection, including knives, daggers, swords, surgical instruments, cutlery and medals using our digital browser.


In Common with many Livery Companies, the Cutlers’ Company has formed affiliations with several units of the armed forces and other institutions.

4th Battalion, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment
The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment
291 (Westminster & Chelsea) Squadron, Air Training Corps
Zunft zur Schmiden, Zurich
RAF Tactical Medical Wing
Corps of Drums Society
256 (City of London and South East) Multi-Role Medical Regiment